Monday, October 1, 2007

More from the Eastern Coast...

The theme of this Shindig was the letter "S"

I wish I was in that right now!!

Just on the other side of that point is Sydney, 3 million people, you can't see it in the photo but it's big and scary!

This was Scotts head, my favorite place to surf so far, no one was there, it was a point break at about 4-6 feet and I could position myself in the same spot everytime and just wait for the sets of 3-5 swells to roll in. This is my board "Lucy" a 7'5" long 19 1/4' wide made in New Castle by John Scolley, a family man...

This is Byron Bay, imagine Bend or Ashland, OR, and replace the mountains and rivers with an epic point break and 40 mile long beach break. lot's of organic farmers and hippy style people with the soul of surfers running through the whole town. It was epic and I think that I fell in love.... I got beat up trying to get out past the breakers, and beat up tryin to catch the waves that were pretty difficult to read, but the ones that I caught and took in were unreal. the smallest was around three feet and the biggest were about 8-9 feet that day...

this creek is red because of minerals for decomposing vegitation apparently.

testing out the waterproofness...

this is a dune lake in the GSNP its color was like tea because of minerals from fallin vegitation.

we took more of hike and found some amazing plant life... this vine around the tree was called the strangler vine.

an Australian wild turkey also called a 'forest farmer'

this is a gigantic sand blow created by the wind and had the softest finest sand I have ever seen! We were at Rainbow beach tryin to get to Fraser Island but it didn't work out because of time frame, it's a big island, so we hung around Rainbow Beach area checking out areas of the Great Sandy National Park. All these photos are from the GSNP...

7am on Bribie Island. The island off in the distance is a National Park, I can't remember the name of the island. there are no roads on it and the only people are park rangers.

click on the photo and try and zoom in on the second breaking wave, there's a little shredder comin in on the wave.

"Take me home Gary I'm done!"

Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's been a lil while and alota adventure!Cheers Team!

no shoes no problem, they don't care either...

Aussy has big trees too!

This was the greatest pub I have been to in Australia! The best beer at least. 7 different brews and really nice people, the name is 'Pub with no beer' because sometimes the ingrediants and brewing process can't keep up with the local drinkers.

this was our home for 3000km (chelsea, I think yours is a lil more humble and alot more character..xo)

Kookaburra sittin in the ol gum tree...

This is what it looked like from our window in the mornings

Cresent Head

Cresent Head

Yellow Crested Cockatoos

Emily making music in a Tree...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

About twenty mintutes from Albury

Look closely...

Emily playing the Dij


I can't remember the name of this bird.

This park is really close to my house and the Maurey River runs through it.

Sunset from my backyard.

This was for a house party, that was actually a fund raiser for the eco adventure club. The people who invested money actually made back fifty bucks.

mmmm mmmmmm......

These are new faculty buildings also made from pressed earth. On the roof are solar panels.